For many, life on earth is or could be as sweet as the sound of heaven. And for many, as sour as they did not bargain for but, live hopeful with joyful hearts or wear the miseries of life like garments...
A peace of mind is joy in the heart. The sound and feel of love in one's life is a dream come true for some or many, just like he or she hoped and envisioned. If the heart had a voice, heaven will echo as many times as the heart beats.
What could be greater to know than to experience love in its fullness? Yet, many claim to live in love when they live in misery and die in silence, literally! Behind every smile and/or every tear, lies the truth in the heart.
The storms of life can change situations and people, to certain extent. Nevertheless, people don't change with the season, for reasons. They are who they are. Either, certain behaviors or traits are hidden or that the eyes are clouded or simply, that many choose to be ignorant of the "red flags" on sugar-coated yet, toxic characters. Six feet under, the victims never envisioned!!
Many couples are just legally married or joined by the "common law." That is all. Many married couples co-exist, have casual sex and call it "marriage" while simultaneously having sex with "A" or "C" or with "B" & "J". Many couples have no relationship with each other. They see each other but, are blind. They hear each other still, they are deaf. Men have better relationships with their "buddies" and women have awesome time with the "girls." Your spouse becomes what? Take your pick from the list of your thoughts.
When a man hits a woman; it is not an accident. WATCH OUT. When a man is verbally ABUSIVE, pay attention to details.When a man threatens his wife, be ALARMED and not ignorant. When you sleep with the enemy, what do you think could happen? What could go wrong? With the choices you make or not make, life has a way or rather, ways to tumble God's plans and lead you to an unplanned destination.
The choices we make deter or lead us to a place. To have a peace of mind is to know that your spirit is home. And again, that is joy. Many women (Men too) in abusive relationships are in the battlefield of the mind. They lack the vision to see and the knowledge to know the depth of their own strength until, they decide to take the first step to the road of being cage-free.
Take time to think about or google how many women in your community that have been MURDERED or brutally injured by their husbands.
Homes, though may be hit by the storm; it can and should be built on foundation of wisdom and love. Instead, many homes are built on deceit, greed, fear, lack of mutual love and more. Because the foundation is weakened by these flaws, they are destroyed by the very contractors that built them. They are forever destroyed when men decide to take the lives of their wives by remodeling their homes with bloodshed. Or when a woman (And a man too) makes the choice of having multiple personalities of playing a wife at home, a lover at the motel or...
My mind is just wandering... & I wonder how many people live in misery, hopeful for some miracle in their relationships and lives. I do believe in miracles. I also believe in asking God for guidance and wisdom to know the difference between "black and white." A man sits, thinks, decides and acts on taking a detour on God's plan!!! In a bit, anger, jealousy or his thought overwhelms him and he takes the life of the woman he shares his life and dreams with, for reasons in a season.
For a second, imagine digging a hole to trap your prey then suddenly, you see yourself into the hole, mysteriously!!! God has not given us the power and the spirit to take another life.
Your familiar stranger becomes your greatest enemy. The difference is that; YOU are become another story in the picture.
Today's marriage is a joke! How can our children; the younger generation believe in the union of love when "husbands" physically hurt their supposedly wives, and wives play outside of their legally assigned fields? It is my, your and our decision to be wise and help change the notion that "Marriage is life imprisonment and a death row." We need to make love what it is meant to be; the greatest gift of all.